Sunday, May 10, 2015

Five for Funday?

So I had created the post and started uploading pictures Friday night...but am only just getting to the writing now...-_-||

I'm allowed to give myself a break because I've been sick for most of the week, right? :D

As I mentioned, I was sick from Tuesday and on. Had a fever Tuesday night and went home early on Wednesday to just rest. We had a field trip on Thursday so I had to be there, but basically went straight home and into bed after school. I was feeling better by Friday, but still have a persistent cough that still hasn't gone away. Great time to be sick, right? We still managed to get some stuff done though...

Our caterpillars have all now turned into chrysalises! The cool thing was that on Tuesday morning, all but one had already turned. The last one was hanging in the J-shape getting ready to turn. It was perfect timing because the kids got a chance to write about it in their observation books. By the time the day was over, that last caterpillar had turned into a chrysalis!

Our math topic was on measuring. First grade only talks about non-standard units of measuring so we used connecting cubes to measure the length and height of different objects in the classroom.

We made our Mother's Day gift too! (Happy Mother's Day, by the way!) 

Normally the kids would have drawn something to temporarily place in the middle, but with me being sick and all, we just never got to it.

Presents all nicely wrapped!

Open House is next (or this) Wed! Since our classroom theme this year is the Magnificent Monsters, I thought it would be cool to have monster boxes on our desks for Open House. My idea is to make them compliment boxes. As part of my scavenger hunt, students will be asked to write compliments to their classmates and drop it into their monster box. This is just an idea though, we'll see how far I get with it! Either way, we will have some nice monster boxes on our desks!

Boxes are all painted! We will be adding the eyes and teeth this week. Stay tuned to see how they turn out!

Last week was also Teacher Appreciation Week! I hope all of you felt extremely appreciated by everyone. Being sick was no fun, but I still felt the appreciation when I was at school!

Our parent association catered Thai food for lunch!
Just a glimpse of some of the gifts I got from students.
My grade level team and aide deserved some appreciation from me too!
Okay, I made it through. And Sunday isn't over yet! This week is going to be a busy one with my birthday and Open House happening on the same week! Spent some time during the weekend getting some Open House decorating started in the classroom. Hopefully this yucky cough and sore throat will go away soon. Guess I should rest up! See you again soon! :)

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