Monday, July 29, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted Linky - Upcoming School Year Goals

I'm linking up with Latoya's Let's Get Acquainted Linky Party to share my upcoming school year goals!

1. Common Core Implementation - So I don't know about you, but my district hasn't been very helpful with educating us on the Common Core. All I really know is that teachers have to create their own lessons as opposed to following a set curriculum. Great. Well, as a third year teacher who is still learning about creating lessons and developing her teaching skills, this is a bit intimidating. But I've been reading up on the Common Core so hopefully I'll be okay! :)

2. Reading Workshop Implementation - One of my first goals in common core implementation is doing reading workshop this year. I've been reading up on it. I did Daily 5 in my classroom last year so I'm somewhat familiar with a workshop format and teaching students how to be independent workers. 

3. Change, But Stay Cool - I'm moving up to second from first grade this year. This also means that I'm looping with around 1/3 of my former students. Call me crazy, but as much as I like how my classroom management works, I don't want it to be the same this year just because I am looping. So I am finding ways to slightly change how I do things in the classroom so that it isn't the same for them.

4. Stay Organized - Along with changing grades, I'm also moving classrooms. I have never started with a completely empty classroom (which can be a good or bad thing) so I want to make sure I stay organized so that I know where everything is. Of course, this also includes cleaning out the classroom so that it works for me. :)

That's all for now! Can't wait to read what others have to share! :)

By the way, if you haven't yet, don't forget to enter my 100 BlogLovin' Follower Giveaway. The giveaway ends at midnight! 


  1. Good luck with your changes this coming year. It should be interesting with common core and looping.
    I'm also your newest follower.

    Resource Room Rules

    1. Thanks, Jacqui, for the luck and follow! :)

